The #1  Way to Transform Your Health

The #1 Way to Transform Your Health

I clearly remember one of the most pivotal days in my life. I was standing in my small apartment living room in Indiana, screaming, even though no one else was there.  I had spent the last several years frequenting doctors’ offices, being injected with different...
My Energy Drink of Choice

My Energy Drink of Choice

Honestly, I’m almost ashamed to use this title  because I’ve never had a Red Bull,  Monster or 5 hour energy drink, and I won’t.   But let’s face it, I do have years days that I need more energy to drive my mom taxi, do laundry, work,  hit all...
Water Kefir:  Nature’s Soda

Water Kefir: Nature’s Soda

Yes, we are talking about healthy, probiotic SODA!  That may seem like an oxymoron, but it is not only possible, it is easy, cheap, and fun.  True story, you get carbonated, fizzy probiotic goodness and all you need are water kefir grains, sugar, filtered water and...
Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs

Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs

Dying Easter eggs is a right of passage for childhood.  For adults it can be an full-blown elaborate artistic endeavor.  This time of year we see untold numbers of products being sold to help us create our own masterpiece.  The surprising reality is that though we...
Is Agave Really Worse than Corn Syrup?

Is Agave Really Worse than Corn Syrup?

Everyone is looking for a healthy sugar replacement. We all know that refined sugar is not good for us, and we are trying to find something better. For years agave has been hailed as the low glycemic solution to all our sweet-tooth cravings. Recently, however, there...