Yesterday my day began with two sick kids. I got a chance to put my favorite germ-fighting, immune-boosting remedies into practice. The results? One child back at school before lunch and the other back today. Getting sick is not inevitable, and staying sick isn’t necessary. A healthy diet and avoiding sugar are the most important steps. When more is needed, here are my go-to remedies.



1) Take NAC combined with Vit C at the first sign of symptoms. I can’t tell you why this works, but it does. Most Vit C is synthetic, so look for plant based forms like rosehips, acerola, and amla fruit.

2) Make a drink of 1 quart water, 4 T raw apple cider vinegar (like Braggs), 6-10 drops cayenne extract, and 4 T raw honey (honey from the grocery store won’t work since it is pasteurized). You can add raw garlic or grapefruit seed extract to make it even more effective. Drink 8-16 oz. of this 1-2 times per day. I kicked a bladder/kidney infection with this in 2 days.

3) Use essential oils on your feet and diffused in the air. There are hundreds of anti-bacterial and anti-viral essential oils. One of my favorites is a little known oil called Kunzea. Other common ones include thyme, oregano, tea tree, rosemary, lemon, cinnamon, clove, and ravintsara. These have significant advantages over antibiotics because they kill viruses as well as bacteria and they don’t create resistant bacteria. Every essential oil company has their own anti-illness mix or you can make your own. We have kicked illnesses in a single day with these more times than I could count. Here is a personal recipe that is my favorite: 3 parts Kunzea, 3 parts Hyssop, 2 parts Atlas Cedar, 1-2 parts Ginger. Diluted, this works great as a chest rub to get rid of coughs and applied on the feet it fight illness throughout the body and helps ease fevers.

4) Allimax is an extract of the germ-killing compound in fresh garlic called allicin. This is a super easy way to get it into kids, because a drop or two can be mixed into applesauce.

5) There are so many immune boosting and germ fighting herbs: Olive leaf, Oregon grape root, Graviola, Cat’s claw, Echinacea, etc. Unlike antibiotics, these leave your entire body stronger instead of weaker. Take them every few hours to help your body beat an illness super-quick. 6) Using foods/herbs in their natural state is best, but if you need one in pill form, this is one of my favorites:

Here’s to a winter full of clear-headed, energy-filled days! And if you love a discount, at Vitacost you can use my company link to get $10 off!