I want to share something I have learned (again) lately.  Life is about giving up.

Many things have been coming to a head in my life, and not in a positive way.  I’ve spent a lot of time living in a feeling of overwhelm and had my share of complete meltdowns. In fact, I’m writing this at four in the morning because my brain is trying to process so much information that I can’t sleep. As I’ve been watching others around me I’ve observed that I’m not alone. People are really struggling. The pressures we face these days can easily become more than we can handle.

However, I want to suggest that the reason we are experiencing so many struggles is that we are on the brink of something greater than we can currently imagine.  Actually, it is the fact that we can’t imagine them that we are struggling.  We are experiencing the conflict between what we currently believe and what is possible.  Lack of peace is a sign that there is something better for us. That subtle invitation (or perhaps a much more aggressive push over the cliff) to move toward something better might be coming in the form of illness, frustration, panic, discouragement or depression.  It is an invitation; a divine invitation to give something up so that we can experience a whole new kind of wonderful we didn’t know was possible.

We have all been programmed, both inadvertently and deliberately with a lot of lies.  And we all believe way too many of them.  One of the first lies that I had to come face to face with in my own healing process is that we have to live with being sick, or simply medicate the symptoms to survive.  What a lie!  Yet I had believed that my whole life!  I thought that whatever happened to my body just happened and I had to live with it.  I have learned since that the body can heal ANYTHING (even supposedly life-long or terminal diseases or defects) when it is given the right support and it is the will of heaven.  Just because we don’t know the solution doesn’t mean it isn’t out there.  It just means we haven’t discovered it yet.

Here is another lie that is doing many of us in, and that is that we can have it all.  We believe it and so we try to HAVE it all, DO it all, BE it all.  And we can’t.  So we feel like we are failing.  But it is a lie.  Life is about giving things up, not having it all.  We obtain what we want most by giving up something we want less.

Life is about giving up something that is pulling us down in order to embrace something else that will lift us up.  We have to give up convenience and ease to experience health and growth.  We have to give up our demand of instant personal perfection to experience peace and contentment.  We have to give up things that have no lasting importance to be able to fill our lives with things that truly matter.  And we have to give up things we thought were true to learn a higher level of truth.

Are you like I was 15 years ago: frustrated with being sick, living with a list of diagnosis’s or medications that just kept growing, feeling drained and depressed, and struggling with weight?   All I had to do for all of that to change was let go of what I had been taught by society and start to search for and embrace real truth about food and the power of my body.

Everything I teach about nutrition has been designed to help people get past all the lies we have been taught about food/dieting/health and instead encourage people to develop their own ability to recognize divine patterns of truth.  For most people, food is an area where we have been absolutely blasted with lies that are holding us back from experiencing lasting health.  The good news is that the truth is just as accessible, but we have to open our eyes and hearts to see something that has always been right in front of us but that we haven’t even noticed before.  When we do that, whole new avenues of growth, healing and progress open for us.

Today I want to invite you to join me in giving up:  giving up one lie that is holding you back from greater health, peace, or growth.  Here are some of the ones I find most consistently among those struggling with their health: (and if I know them, it means I once absolutely believed them and am also in the process of experiencing the transition to the opposite truth)

  • Eating healthy is too hard or too expensive for me to be able succeed
  • Changing what I eat is too simple to really eliminate “permanent” diseases
  • I can’t ever lose weight
  • I don’t have time to cook
  • I can’t be happy without ______ (sugar, soda, eating out, etc.)
  • I always seem to be sick no matter what I do
  • If doctors don’t know a solution to my illness, then there must not be one

There are also lies that plague our health and happiness that have nothing to do with food.

  • I have to do everything perfectly before I can be healthy and happy
  • I’m all alone
  • I’m not safe
  • I can’t change
  • I’ll never succeed
  • I can’t forgive myself
  • The mistakes in my past are too big to ever be completely overcome
  • I don’t deserve a good, happy life
  • No one loves/accepts/understands me
  • And the biggest one of all: I’m not enough

So here are some reminders of truth for me, and for you.  There is always a greater level of truth that we have discovered yet.  There are always more ways to heal than we are currently know.  Every person on earth has immeasurable value and incomprehensible ability to do good.  Your life is divinely guided, even though you are imperfect.  There is always a higher level of power to change, grow, and overcome than we currently believe is possible.

So let’s give up, and open up the possibilities for good things we have never yet imagined are possible.  And if you are still searching for the truth that will lead you to the health you seek, I just might be able to help.  I’ve been there, and I been through and experienced the healing that I once didn’t believe was possible.  And learning how to eat in harmony with my own body was the biggest piece of the puzzle.  I can do the same for you.  Just reach out and let’s all continue to grow in truth and happiness together!