Megapotency Homeopathy

Join me in a 5 week discussion about a groundbreaking approach to healing deep trauma and chronic illness with megapotency homeopathy
Did you know?
Megapotency homeopathy is a way to get past endless “symptom treatment” and heal the deep, underlying trauma that created and is holding chronic physical or mental injury/illness
The goal of megapotency homeopathy is to heal the guilt or fear behind the chronic disease so that even the most intractable complaints get a chance to be set on a path of healing
Megapotency treatment brings results in 2-3 weeks that previously took 6 months treatment with traditional homeopathy
Megapotency homeopathy is great for rebalancing the endocrine (hormone) system and relieving chronic back pain
Megapotency homeopathy can help with symptoms (such as anger, aggression, depression, anxiety, guilt and blame) from birth trauma, abandonment, financial or relationship loss, abuse, injury, or PTSD
Megapotency homeopathy has been used for many "20th century" chronic illnesses such as CFS, autoimmune illness, neurological disorders, Lyme, drug/vac damage and allergies
Sound too good to be true? It isn’t!
We will discuss the details and results of decades of Jill Turland’s research so that you can apply her unique approach in your own situation.
Come learn how megapotency homeopathy can be a total game-changer for the health in your family too!
5 In-depth Discussions
Note: You will need to purchase Jill’s Book for the Class
Class 1: What is Megapotency Homeopathy and How Does It Work?
Class 2: Using Aconite & Arnica
Class 3: Using Hypericum & Staphysagria
Class 4: Using Conium, Ignatia, & Ledum
Class 5: Using Hydrastis, Ruta & Symphytum
*All classes have been recorded and are available for viewing at your convivence

Price $247 $97
That is just $19 per class!
BONUS: You get Angie’s famous course study guides for FREE that give you all the course information in an easy-to-use and easy-to-review format. These guides are particularly useful for this course since the information in Jill’s book is scattered through numerous stories and examples. The guides have organized all the symptoms, diagnosis, and results in an easy-to-reference format.
And Here Is How to Save Even More!

As part of the class you will be able to join a group buy for a Megapotency Set containing all the key remedies from the book. These remedies are extremely hard to find, so this will save you tons of time and money and instantly give you all the remedies you need to start using this unique approach in your own home.
Get started today!
Note: I am not a certified homeopath. I have spent thousands of hours studying and using homeopathy. This course is designed to teach you how homeopathy works, how to use remedies in real life situations, help you understand the “picture” of the most common remedies for various needs, and introduce you to the different schools of thought on modern homeopathy application so that you are prepared to use homeopathy with your family at home.