
Get the Personalized Help You Need

to Breakthrough Your Obstacles to Health

These calls will focus on whatever YOU need 

15 minute investigation call: free

60 minute consultation: $100

30 minute follow-up: $50 

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    I, Angie Christensen, am not a medical doctor and do not practice medicine. I do not diagnose, cure, heal, treat disease or otherwise prescribe medication.  I provide wellness classes and consultations that educate individuals about their options in using foods, herbs, and homeopathy to support their body and improve their general health.  

    My consultations are not a substitute for conventional medical diagnosis or treatment for any medical or psychological condition.   I recommend that clients continue to see their regular medical doctors and follow their advice and my work is a complement to any regular allopathic medicine. 

    Consultations, classes, recordings, videos, or other resources I provide are for educational, entertainment and general informational purposes only.